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Dofinansowane przez Unię Europejską

Meet Grenevia

Grenevia links investors to green transformation. We actively develop prospective businesses, enabling stock exchange investors to engage in diverse green projects.


Grenevia was established to responsibly and actively support the transformation to a sustainable and low-emission economy.


By consciously changing our business model, we invest in promising projects in the field of green transformation, building their value for the benefit of the world.


years of experience in group development and scaling

link arrow Our history


segments in the corporate group

link arrow Group structure

800 mln+

PLN in green financing

link arrow Investment areas

We are investing in the areas with high growth potential

The accelerating megatrend toward low-carbon economies is a good opportunity to invest in leading green transformation businesses and to better leverage our operational base.

By 2040, total Polish economy expenses on energy transformation – of which we are an active participant – may reach even PLN 1.6 trillion.

We are a catalyst for the development

We support portfolio brands in key areas.

We help assess opportunities better and take advantage of development opportunities more effectively.

We enhance companies’ competitive advantage by improving their efficiency, increasing financing availability and raising the level of trust.