Meet Grenevia
Grenevia links investors to green transformation. We actively develop prospective businesses, enabling stock exchange investors to engage in diverse green projects.

We are investing in the areas with high growth potential
The accelerating megatrend toward low-carbon economies is a good opportunity to invest in leading green transformation businesses and to better leverage our operational base.
By 2040, total Polish economy expenses on energy transformation – of which we are an active participant – may reach even PLN 1.6 trillion.
We are a stable and secure development partner
Our position as a trusted investor comes from years of sustainable growth based on informed and calculated business decisions.
20-year transformation history testifies to FEMUR’s vast experience in introducing changes and scaling a business.
Support from the main shareholder provides, among others: security, access to top managers and business know-how.
Building the long-term value of the Group in a way that balances economic, environmental and social considerations.