Annual General Meeting
List of resolutions passed by the Annual General Meeting on June 27th 2023 (182.13 KB)
Notice of an Annual General Meeting (213.76 KB)
Resolution of the Supervisory Board to provide the Supervisory Board’s opinion on matters to be considered by the Annual General Meeting (125.98 KB)
Draft resolutions of the Annual General Meeting (165.48 KB)
Shareholder Request – Nomination of Supervisory Board candidates for another term of office and submission of draft resolution (142.54 KB)
Report on remuneration of the Management and Supervisory Boards for 2022 (354.05 KB)
Independent auditor’s report on the performance of a reasonable assurance engagement to assess a remuneration report (113.53 KB)
Resolution of the Supervisory Board on the preparation and adoption of the Report on remuneration of the Management and Supervisory Boards (461.32 KB)
Report of the Supervisory Board of GRENEVIA S.A. on its activities in 2022 (749.97 KB)
Resolution of the Supervisory Board to authorise the Report of the Supervisory Board on its activities in 2022 (454.30 KB)
Detailed rules of participation in the GM by electronic means of communication (192.21 KB)
Resolution of the Management Board to adopt a proposal on the allocation of the Company’s net profit for 2022 (94.04 KB)
Resolution of the Supervisory Board on assessment of the Management Board’s proposal regarding distribution of net profit for the FY 2022 (326.79 KB)
Proxy Voting Form (330.41 KB)
Request to place an item (for shareholders who are natural persons) (107.53 KB)
Request to place an item (for shareholders other than natural persons) (108.76 KB)
Proposed draft resolution concerning an item placed on the agenda of the GM (for shareholders who are natural persons) (106.23 KB)
Proposed draft resolution concerning an item placed on the agenda of the GM (for shareholders other than natural persons) (107.33 KB)
Notification of granting powers of proxy in electronic form (for natural persons) (95.95 KB)
Notification of granting powers of proxy in electronic form (for legal persons) (76.20 KB)